Kids and adults
- gi and nogi
To see all divisions make sure you check our Smoothcomp page for up to date information. Please make sure to check after we’ve closed registration so you can see if there has been any changes due to consolidation of small divisions and better matchups.
Competition and bracket format
It’s a double elimination event. If the athlete loses a fight, he goes to another bracket where they will have the opportunity to keep competing for 3rd place.
Single elimination for all divisions. All participants from White, Blue and Purple belts can register for the absolute. Absolute winners will receive a full registration fee for the next tournament (minimum 3 fights for the prize).
Single elimination for all divisions. All participants from White and Blue belts can register for the absolute. Absolute winners will receive a full registration fee for the next tournament (minimum 3 fights for the prize).
Brown and Black belts fight separated. For these belts there are only 3 weight divisions – Less than 165 lbs , less than 185 lbs, and above 185 lbs. It is also a single elimination event.